Tuesday, October 28, 2008

it happens

karma. itu. beneran!!!!!!!

hiyaaa :)
so hows life guys ?
school's gettin hectic, im gettin reaaally sick. just got my mid exam scores and i felt like my school building falling right on my head :(
well nothin much happened; watched Max Payne last sunday with Pev and Arya & it sucked, i wore my mom's jeans which is more sucked than the movie. so guyyys if you saw a girl last sunday at sency, tryin hard to rocked that washed-bootcut jeans, that was definetly me! and dont ask why i have to wore that awful :|
aaand, we found this 'note' written in high school musical 3 vanessa hudgen's cardboard

see that ?

P and i went to Wanna B recording in Radio Dalam and we made our first 'album' !!!!!
it was sooo freakin hilarious :D kita rebutan mic, part2 lagu, sampe tempat duduk juga direbutin.

here's the songs we sang :
- I Lay My Love On You by Westlife
- Wonderwoman by Mulan Jameela or Kwok or Whatever
- My Hump by Black Eyed Peas (i love this song most!)
- Unfaithful by Rihanna

i saw news about Jennifer Hudson's mom and brother was SHOT to death and her nephew is still missing.
i was like stunned. ngga kepikiran aja artis se-besar dia ngalamin hal yg tragisnya gila-gilaan kayak gitu. selesai baca artikelnya gw mikir, seberapa pun tajir orang, sebanyak apa orang itu dapet oscar atau terkenal worldwide, when you lose someone you love most forever, in a tragic way, you lose everything. love is the only thing dime can't buy.
so please love people around you guys, care to each other :)



Monday, October 20, 2008

Preparing for our 3rd video

Mood : Happy <3
Current song : Bete - Dewiq (aduh kedoktrin nih sama lagu ini. bete bete bete aaahhh)

Hello ! we're back !!
kita lagi dalam proses editing buat video terbaru yang isinya tantangan tantangan dari kalian semua <3
Pertama tama kita mau ngucapin terima kasih banget buat semuanya yang udah ngasih tantangan ke kita tetapi mohon maaf banget di video terbaru kita yang lagi dalam proses editing ini masih belum semua tantangan di jalananin : (
karna keterbatasan waktu kita.

Kita berdua ketemu cuma seminggu sekali : (
huhuhuhu maafin yaaa dan kita harap kalian suka video terbaru kita :D

buat bocoran video kita yang baru berisi tantangan berikut :
1. Makan bubur pake tangan
2. Lipsync Backstreet boys
3. dan hal bodoh yang kalian ngga sangka


Our Serious face

sebenarnya kita mau bikin spoof blair && serena yang scene 'blair's letter' cuma yaaa seperti yang tadi udah di bilang .... kita bermasalah dengan waktu : ( huuuuuh
ok then g2g guys ! bye ^^

Love ya !

" P "

Ps : kita minta maaf karna jarang mengupdate blog kita karna lagi sibuk dengan sekolah !!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

nostalgia kartun jadul

current song : Danger Radio
current mood : LOL-ing

Hey guys what up what up!!!
I just got back from senayan city with my lunatic bestfriends pevita and eggy, and i really really need to blog what we've just talk about in my car : kartun-kartun jepang jadul di TV yg suka banget kita tonton jaman sd dulu.

Saking histerisnya kita teriak-teriakan di mobil nginget part-part kartun yang paling 'ngena banget' sampe sekarang.
Dari Ghost at School, Hatchi anak-sebatang-kara-pergi-mencari-ibunya,and Hunter X Hunter. That was the 3 main cartoons we talked until we screamed at each other.
Part dari GAS yang kita omongin itu hantu tanpa kepala yg naik motor, boneka mary yg notabene the mostest spookiest of all series, hantu suster pembawa berita kematian yg bikin gw sama eggy nangis banget saking sedihnya, sama kucing item yg bisa ngomong yang kita ribut banget nginget namanya siapa dan akhirnya inget : Amanojaku! (bener kan ?)
Dari Hatchi kita sebel banget soalnya pasti dia almost THIS CLOSE buat ketemu mamanya tapi pasti gagaaaaaal terus. Ya karena dia ketiduran ngadep kanan, sedangkan mamanya lewat sebelah kiri trus mreka ngga liat-liatan lah, ya karena hatchi udah pergi dari suatu tempat trus sedetik kemudian baru mamanya dateng lah. Gemeeees banget nontonnya grrrrrr :)
And we made some silly confession : pevita kalo abis nonton itu nangis trus nelfon mamanya soalnya jadi kangen (kebawa alur cerita), and eggy and i had same thing in common: habis nonton pasti langsung nangis kangen mama yg belum pulang kerja, trus nanya ke si mbak 'Mbaaaak, mama kapan pulang?'
And Hunter X Hunter was even the coolest of all! Pev and i just like Gon sidekick, Kilua and how cool he is (or she?).
And we remembered all of each cartoon soundtracks, and then we sang along awfully! ROFL.
Ohmygod that was soooooo silly but thats the fun part!

Another old cartoons are sailor moon (!) and wedding peach (!!) and AZUKI BUNNY (!!!). Gosh i loooooove azuki bunny! Saking suka banget-bangetannya, gw beneran nulis nama gebetan gw pas SD di balik penghapus pake isi pensil warna ijo, just like in the movie! Katanya biar my crush likes me back. ROFLMAO. And and and recognized how charming Usagi's hero-boyfriend, Tuksedo Bertopeng dengan mawar merah seksinya itu :D

Awww i miss those guilty pleasure moments! Some might think that's freak but whatever! :p I bet some of you guys have experienced the same thing i just write about :)
Ohhhhhhh bring back those cartoons on TV!!!!!!

Kartun yang pemerannya cewek boneka gitu yg rambutnya panjang warna ijo yg dulu ditayangin di TV 7 maghrib2 itu apa ya judulnya???? Chocolate chocolate what ?
Anyone remember of that cartoon? Please answer me!!! (i've found the name! : Trouble Chocolate)

Thats it for today guys.
Watch more cartoons, eat more sweets, be a kid!

Dengan kekuatan bulan,


p.s : bring on your challenge, people!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008




Wednesday, October 1, 2008

CHALLENGE US !!!!!!!!!!!



You guys just mention the CHALLENGE on our Blog comment or YouTube comment (ex. swimming with turtles, do the back handspring, etc).
Anything, guys! Anything! The crazier the better :D
So, come on speak up, people!


Hey guys! For the sake of this blog, we ask you to CHALLENGE US! And we're gonna put it on next video post on YouTube!
Link our Blog & YouTube account and we will link yours for return :)

We'll wait for your response!


D & P