Tuesday, October 28, 2008

it happens

karma. itu. beneran!!!!!!!

hiyaaa :)
so hows life guys ?
school's gettin hectic, im gettin reaaally sick. just got my mid exam scores and i felt like my school building falling right on my head :(
well nothin much happened; watched Max Payne last sunday with Pev and Arya & it sucked, i wore my mom's jeans which is more sucked than the movie. so guyyys if you saw a girl last sunday at sency, tryin hard to rocked that washed-bootcut jeans, that was definetly me! and dont ask why i have to wore that awful :|
aaand, we found this 'note' written in high school musical 3 vanessa hudgen's cardboard

see that ?

P and i went to Wanna B recording in Radio Dalam and we made our first 'album' !!!!!
it was sooo freakin hilarious :D kita rebutan mic, part2 lagu, sampe tempat duduk juga direbutin.

here's the songs we sang :
- I Lay My Love On You by Westlife
- Wonderwoman by Mulan Jameela or Kwok or Whatever
- My Hump by Black Eyed Peas (i love this song most!)
- Unfaithful by Rihanna

i saw news about Jennifer Hudson's mom and brother was SHOT to death and her nephew is still missing.
i was like stunned. ngga kepikiran aja artis se-besar dia ngalamin hal yg tragisnya gila-gilaan kayak gitu. selesai baca artikelnya gw mikir, seberapa pun tajir orang, sebanyak apa orang itu dapet oscar atau terkenal worldwide, when you lose someone you love most forever, in a tragic way, you lose everything. love is the only thing dime can't buy.
so please love people around you guys, care to each other :)




Anonymous said...

wakakakakaka eksis bangeeeeeeet. mau dong beli album lo?? hahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

agreed :)
we're nothing when we have no people that we love or love us.

Anonymous said...

malem..jalan2..visit my blog yak

Admin said...

eh itu keteknya sapa ya?!


syarief ahmad jauhar said...

gw kaga ngarti lu pada ngemeng apa


eksis ajalah

pevita you look so sute