Monday, January 5, 2009

january 2009

current song : the weepies - living in twilight
current mood : jellybeans

hey ya'll! first day of school huh? well, not that bad right? tell me about ur holiday! mine was sooooooo great :D i had a blast in bali with my friends, but P weren't there which is a pity fuuuh :| but afterall, it was friggin awesome :)
first day in bali, it was sucked! after we got to the hotel, it was friggin raining and we couldnt go anywhere! geeeezzzz. but finally the rain stopped after about an hour and then we went shopping and stuff. we were having newyear countdown in OBC kuta and went canoo-ing and my friend arya were in bali too so i went to his hotel in seminyak and we strolled down the beach talking about his crocs slipper-nya yang hampir hanyut ketelen ombak & issue gw sama ladyspeedstick (he has a thing for that deodorant brand really).

(oh my CROCS.... lol)

(ladyspeedstick yg sebenernya udah buntung zzzz)

last day in bali, i jumped on the pool because i found the water were so tempting haha. it was about 1 am, i swam for like 2,5 hours then i went to sleep cos my flight was on 11am. after i got back to cengkareng i went to bandung with my mom and dad and i slept the alllll the way. my body was like wanna burrrrrst into pieces, gosh it was such an exhausting day, but worth the fun anyway :)
hari pertama sekolaaaaah, uuuh kangen banget sama suasana kelas, kangen banget sama kantin, kangen banget sama temen2 sekolah!!!!! some got a new haircut, some got weight loss, some got sunburn :p. hari ini pevita operasi amandel, tadi pagi tepatnya. tapi setelah operasi, she's toooooooootally okay :D kasian juga dari selama liburan dia suka curhat ngeluh kalo ngga enak nelennya, nafas ngga enak trus ngga bisa tidur. huhu jadi ngga enak banget liburan tapi dianya sakit :( but she's fine now though, i made her to take a picture of her 'new' tonsil and she sent it to me hehehehe :p (upload ngga yah ? hehehehe). after the surgery she got a little bit emotional and cried and i could just like awwwwwwwh, i really really miss her... im so sorry baby i will come visit you asap yaaaa I LOVE YOU AH UH KANGEN :(
doain sahabatku cepat sembuh ya semuanya :)
~ i want more holiday!!

oh btw, what's your resolution for this year? i have nothing for myself :p



riz_blog said...

untuk thn ini AKU ingin jadi manusia yg lebih baik lagi

smoga pevita cepat sembuh.

Ezar said...

well I hope Pevita could get well soon...

moga moga Pevita cepet sembuh....

and moga moga liburan selanjutnya akan lebih seru dan lebih mengesankan

untuk Dizaa lam kenal aja...

b.i.m.a.d.a.n.c.e said...

i got that surgery when i was in kinder....

dulu sampe muntah darah 5 kali. jam 12 malem.

mudahmudahan pevita ngga kaya gitu

myhann said...

Whats wrong with Pevita's tonsel?

Benakribo said...

wuhuu asiknya balii .. mana poto2 pas malemnya nih diz ?? hoho..

oh pev operasi amandel .. iya kalo abis operasi katanya nelen aja gaenak, sakit, perih gitu .. semoga cepet baik deh .. hohoo ..

ntar kapan2 nyushi bareng deh hihiii :D

Diza & Pevita said...

pevita hari ini udah boleh pulang dari rumah sakit. cuma dia masih ngga bs ngomong dan katanya makasih buat semua doa dan supportnya ya : )

kuku said...

smoga cpet bisa ngomong lagi...
ntar suaranya berubah donk??

Dimas Gilang said...

asal amandelnya pas dioperasi ga ditelen lagi ya??..hehehehe

Anonymous said...

cepet sembuh pevi :)
and I have no resolution for this yeat too hihi :D

avputries said...

hey i just discovered ur blog. keep updating :) and also, more pics make better blogs, aight?

hey why not try outfit mix and matching posts?

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

hey there. what a cute girls you two! ;)
keep writing, and .. is that pevita you meant is pevita pearce? aaaww i do really love her sooooo!!
get well soon dear.. :)
PS: i'll link u, is that okay?

evita nuh said...

lucuuu blognyaaa :)