Friday, March 6, 2009

wish list

recent mood : CRRRRUSHING!
recent song : rewind - asia cruise

hello :)
so... gue lagi sedikit ngga enak badan dari kemarin malem gara-gara bimbel sampe malem trus keujanan parah -__- tapi ngga tau kenapa akhir-akhir ini lagi mood belajar yang notabene jarang banget dapet mood kayak gini sebelumnya hahaha :p so wish me stay in a good condition deh :)
ohiya gue sama temen-temen 'sepermainan' lagi suka KARAOKEAN sama main dance dance revolution sampe keringetan, hahahaha trust me it's a hell of fun!

i came with a lot of wishes these days, here's some of it :

  1. go to friggin college with pev and our bad-boy, arya in melb.
  2. i want this BMW 318 for my 16th birthday *fingercrossed
  3. a trip to Barcelona, baby!
  4. Henrietta Howard by Tracy Broman. (the price is just so freakin crazy!)
  5. Ne-Yo concert!!! i'd TOOOOOOOOOtally go for it
  6. zebra printed Jimmy Choo. cuuuuuuuuute :)
  7. Serena's shoes. smokin' stuff.
  8. SIMS 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the trailer is so damn awesome!

see you guys later!




Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the sims3 emang bikin ngilerrrr bangeet. gak sabar pengen maenin huhuhu

lola said...

Superb!!! luve it..

Teppy said...

Ayayayayayay... Who doesn't want a trip to Barcelona? Must be thrilling to check out some of Gaudi's masterpieces, eh? ;)

and gosh that shoes is hot...